"For someone in search of truth nothing is off limits." - Plant Pure Nation
So far in writing this blog, I have done my best to chronicle my journey after the onset of my still undiagnosed seizure disorder. I have recorded how I contended with hardcore medications, dealt with crippling migraines, faced the loss of independence resulting from the volatility of my seizures, and articulated the "unsettled feeling" of still not feeling better. Up until this point, the lack of connection to my health and the complete loss of control that is directly connected to a near legacy of illness, has completely dictated my life. And I'm still not better.
What you don't know is that my history of illness is pervasive. The seizure disorder and frequent migraines are tiny portraits of a much larger issue. Kidney disease, in particular kidney stones, is another ailment I struggle with quite often. In fact, I am in the process of passing a kidney stone right now. Furthermore, crippling back pain, locking and popping joints, asthma, allergies, psoriasis, ovarian cysts, ulcerative colitis, and eczema are also significant parts of my story.
I am sick, and I cannot deny that I have a part to play in perpetuating my illness. This world is toxic, and I am simply perpetuating and contributing to that toxicity. There are things about our lives that are quite difficult to change - I have to face that I'll likely hold a desk job for most of my life, that we have very little time or energy after we work long work weeks, that certain emotional and environmental stressors cannot simply just go away because we will them to. But there are things about my life that I CAN change, and that I also need to change.
Everyone knows that the food we eat is shit. We can't argue that processed, heavily sweetened, and salt-saturated foods are the building blocks for a healthy body. They are, however, the building blocks to manipulate and mislead Americans into buying into a diseased food industry that prioritizes revenue over health. In fact, we all know that the food industry works to keep us addicted to shit food, and lies to us with phony messaging that keeps our heads firmly in the sand.
We all know this. Individuals that are outspoken against the American diet of processed foods and animal proteins are labelled and dismissed. Being an advocate for your own health makes you an enemy, because you draw attention to mistakes people are unwilling to see. I've gotten into fights with family members, partners, and friends over this truth. I've been called names, indicted for being judgmental, and dismissed for being naive. The food industry wants those that see through the BS to feel disempowered and stay silent, and culturally, those that "stay in line" are rewarded.
But culturally, we are all fat AND starving, myself included. Our food is high in calories and low in nutrition. I am positive I don't eat enough vegetables, and that I am flushing toxins and chemicals throughout my body. Nutritionally, our bodies are fucked. I am the perfect example. I can admit it, and now I'm going to try and do something about it. I'm going to eliminate processed food. I am already a vegetarian, but I am going to get rid of my overly processed soy, start eating WAY more vegetables and fruits, be active about eating good proteins and fats, and stop eating poisonous prepared foods. I am going to seek out more local and organic food, start supplementing my diet with vitamins and minerals, and start practicing yoga again. It's going to be hard. But not any harder than passing a kidney stone, and DAMN am I tired of those.
Maybe all the great documentaries on plant-based diets are wrong. Maybe I'm being snowed by Netflix, and am so desperate to feel better that I'm an easy target. But I honestly can't believe that not eating crap will do anything but improve my quality of life. Maybe I'll be hungry, maybe I'll be ridiculed, maybe I'll be an inconvenience. But maybe I'll succeed, and maybe I will finally get my life and health back. And that would be worth all the rest of it.